Thursday, July 31, 2008


The above is an example of a PLSS map of a portion of a Idaho Township. Typically a township is 6 sq miles, which is subdivided into 36 different 1 sq mile sections.

A Public Land Survey System map or PLSS map is a map that the Federal Government uses to identify and illustrate public domain land that is owned by the government.

Cadastral Map

The above is a Cadastral map illustrating the Macon County Property Ownership, 1936.
A Cadastral map is basically used to divide land for development, ownership and boundaries.

Thematic Map

The above Thematic Map illustrates the different neighborhoods and contrasting demographics of the diverse city of Chicago, Illinois. A Thematic Map illustrate spatial variation of one or more geographic distributions; which may be of the physical phenomena such as climate characteristics and human characteristics such as population demographics and other related topics.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Topographic Map

The above is a Topographic map of Tajikistan which is located in Central Asia, west of China and north of Afghanistan. A Topographic Map shows both natural and man-made features of an area; it is all represented on a large scale map of the specific area.

Planimetric Map

The above is a Planimetric map of "Last Day Gully", Wyoming. A Planimetric map is a map that only represents horizontal positions of features; this is featured on a two-dimentional plane without reference to contours or topographic relief.